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  • Infant and Kid's Clothing | Gift Shop | France Casting

    嬰幼兒服裝 在黑暗中發光! 快速瀏覽 經典線條畫嬰兒連體衣 價格 $20,00 新增到購物車中 在黑暗中發光! 快速瀏覽 嬰兒大猩猩和猩猩連體衣 價格 $20,00 新增到購物車中 在黑暗中發光! 快速瀏覽 經典圖畫嬰幼兒 T 卹 價格 $20,00 新增到購物車中 在黑暗中發光! 快速瀏覽 經典繪圖青春彩色T卹 價格 $20,00 新增到購物車中 在黑暗中發光! 快速瀏覽 Kid Gorilla and Orangutan T 卹 價格 $20,00 新增到購物車中 在黑暗中發光! 快速瀏覽 青年大猩猩和猩猩 T 卹 價格 $20,00 新增到購物車中 在黑暗中發光! 快速瀏覽 經典圖案青年連帽衫 價格 $35,00 新增到購物車中 成人服裝 其他禮品

  • National Museum of Kenya | France Casting

    這些材料由肯尼亞國家博物館 (NMK) 人員製作。它們直接從肯尼亞內羅畢運送給您。它們不是從照片、測量或對鑄件的檢查中復制的 - 但它們是由原始樣本的模具製成的! 鏈接 請使用下面的這些鏈接查看 NMK 的目錄和價目表。如有任何問題,請直接聯繫我們。 肯尼亞國家博物館鑄造目錄 肯尼亞國家博物館演員表價格表 聯繫 France Casting 了解更多信息 KNM MB 29100 cranium superior MS2050 KNM WT 15000 anterior KNM MB 29100 cranium superior 1/6

  • NMK FAQ | France Casting

    我們是如何做到這一點的? France Casting 與肯尼亞國家博物館達成協議,成為他們的經銷商。 我們的協議允許我們接受肯尼亞國家博物館鑄件的採購訂單。 通過 France Casting 提供這些演員表,我們正在擴大您購買真正的肯尼亞國家博物館演員表的機會。 我們為什麼這樣做? 您應該獲得由原始模型製作的準確模型,而不是根據模型模型的照片或測量值估算出的材料。 如果您直接從肯尼亞國家博物館購買或通過 France Casting 間接購買,您就是在為肯尼亞的博物館提供支持。 最重要的是,您為繼續進行實地工作以找到更多這些宏偉的發現做出了貢獻。 我們在交易中賺錢嗎? ​ 無論是由 France Casting 提供還是由肯尼亞國家博物館提供,演員的價格對您來說都是一樣的。 他們向我們打折每個演員的價格,足以支付我們為使這個過程成為可能所做的努力。 KNM ER 23000 cranium superior KP 29283 maxilla halves articulated LH5 maxilla KNM ER 23000 cranium superior 1/7 為什麼要從我們這裡購買? 您直接購買的每個演員表 肯尼亞國家博物館 或者通過 France Casting 提供了一些保證,即從事定位、挖掘、研究、鑄造和分發原始化石的令人難以置信的研究計劃將繼續進行。 肯尼亞國家博物館要求尊重他們的產品,並要求其他可能的來源未經許可不得複制這些產品。 France Casting 已經整合了這個計劃,以確保那些期望獲得高質量演員的人可以獲得高質量的演員。 從其他供應商處購買並不能保證為肯尼亞國家博物館或其持續研究工作提供支持。 France Casting 作為中間分銷商的可用性主要是為了在可能對從外國來源訂購有些猶豫的情況下促進從肯尼亞的採購。

  • 颅骨系列 | France Casting

    颅骨系列 CS001 Southwest Skull $359.00 Includes cranium and mandible, illustrates scalping marks on the frontal and both parietal bones, probable perimortem depressed fracture on the occipital and left parietal, and cradleboard changes. This individual was C14 dated at 770 years BP. Teeth show moderate wear. Price includes two digital images of these cutmarks taken by scanning electron microscope and transferred from 35mm slides. The original of this was reburied. CS003 Cranial Modification: Wrapping $359.00 Cranium and mandible, this individual illustrates “wrapping” cranial modification, and possesses most teeth (missing most incisors); teeth show little wear. CS007 Infant Cranium and Mandible $139.00 Good detail of newborn skull (Please note: This cast is also included in the SA008 Occipital Age Determination System casts set) CS011 European American Male Skull $359.00 Cranium and mandible, this is a documented 40 year old from Hungary, with strongly everted mandible. He possesses all teeth except 10, 16, 17, 32. From Maxwell Museum and OMI, Albuquerque, NM. Some postcranial materials also available. CS012 Mexican American Male Skull $359.00 Cranium and mandible, this is a documented 15 year old with clearly shoveled incisors. He possesses all teeth except 1 (erupting), 3, 16, 17, and 32. From Maxwell Museum and OMI, Albuquerque, NM. CS014 Mexican American Male with Cut Calvarium $399.00 Cranium and mandible of documented 17 y.o., this cast shows the inside of the cranium. Manner of death was two gunshot wounds, and cranium shows classic entrance and exit wounds. Part of the sella turcica is missing, aiding in tracking the path of one bullet. From Maxwell Museum and OMI, Albuquerque, NM. CS015 Approximately 5 Year Old Child, Cribra Orbitalia $299.00 Cranium and mandible in excellent condition, moderate cribra orbitalia in each orbit. CS018 European American Male with Antemortem Photos $359.00 Finished $239.00 Unfinished Documented 55 y.o. with series of four antemortem photographs, front and lateral views. The photographs were taken when this individual was of average and slightly overaverage weights. Teeth present include numbers 2(broken), 3-8, 11, 19-21, 24-26, 28, & 32; absent antemortem include 1, 14-16, 17, 18, 30 & 31; absent postmortem include 9, 10, 12, 13, 22, 23, 27, & 29. Finished with final color, dental fillings, etc. CS023 Australian Male Skull $359.00 All teeth are present with moderate wear on this individual. The supraorbital torus is very large, and the cranium is relatively robust. The right zygomatic arch is slightly reconstructed, but otherwise the skull is in excellent condition. From A.W. Ward Museum of Dentistry, Univ. of the Pacific School of Dentistry, San Francisco, CA. CS024 Occult Teeth cranium $319.00 This cranium exhibits normal dentition, with the notable exception of the medial incisors: the left has erupted approximately at the nasal spine, and is growing anteriorally, and the right is in relatively correct position, but is rotated 180 degrees. In addition, an extra pegged tooth is erupting just inferior to the left incisor, and there is evidence of a cleft palate. Otherwise the cranium is in excellent condition. Original from San Jose State University. CS025 Trephined Cranium from Peru $359.00 This cranium exhibits two square trephination holes with reactive bone but no rounded edges. Teeth numbers 2, 3, 14-16 present with moderate wear, tooth #12 is broken. From the Smithsonian Institution, cranium only. CS026 Extreme Modification Cranium $359.00 This cranium exhibits extreme occipital and frontal flattening, and is from Nisqually, Washington. Teeth numbers 2, 4, 14, 15, and 30-32 are present with moderate to heavy wear. Cranium only, from the Smithsonian Institution. CS027 Cranial Modification Flattening $359.00 This cranium exhibits occipital and some frontal cranial modification. Teeth #2-6, 12, 14, 15 are present and show moderate wear, otherwise the cranium is in excellent condition. From the Smithsonian Institution. CS028 Extreme Cranial Modification $359.00 This cranium exhibits more extreme "wrapping" modification than #CS003, but the cranium is not as good. Teeth #2, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, are present with significant wear. CS029 Tuberculosis Cranium in Individual from Alaska $359.00 This cranium exhibits significant tuberculosis lesions (about 9) around the cranial vault. This cranium is in excellent condition, but only teeth # 3-5 and 13-15 are present with moderate wear. Cranium only. CS030 Syphilis Cranium in Individual From Alaska $359.00 There are significant syphilis lesions on the frontal and both parietal bones. This cranium is in excellent condition, though teeth # 3-5, 7, 8, 10, and 12-14 are present with moderate wear. Cranium only (check out PA003 for a cranial section with syphilis – it’s in the “Human Pathology and Anomaly” section). CS032 Cancerous Lesion Cranium From Egypt $359.00 Approximately the left half of the maxilla from what has been called a cancerous “mouse tumor” by various researchers. Teeth # 2, 6-8 are present, but otherwise the cranium is in excellent condition. CS033 Scurvy Cranium $359.00 This cranium comes from a documented case of scurvy and shows significant lesions on the temporal/sphenoidal regions, as well as in the upper eye orbits, palate and various other regions of the cranium. The left zygomatic arch is missing and the only teeth represented are M1 from both the right and left sides. The cranium also shows exposure damage to the parietals and upper occipital region, but remains a beautiful specimen. CS034 Healed projectile wound skull $399.00 This is a healed projectile wound skull. CS035 Blunt Force Trauma Skull $399.00 This is a skull with blunt force trauma. CS036 Northern Chinese Female Skull $359.00 This individual was in her mid to late teens, with her third molars unerrupted. Dentition is complete and in excellent condition. All other aspects of the cranium and mandible are also complete and in excellent condition. CS108 African American Male Skull $359.00 This cast has teeth #1 (abscessed), 2, 4 – 12, 13 missing postmortem, 15 – 16, 18, 19 – 29, 31. First molars are missing antemortem, #13, 17, 32 missing postmortem. The cranium and mandible are in excellent condition. CS109 European American Female Skull $359.00 This cast has teeth # 1 (unerupted and impacted), 2 – 15, 18 -24, 25 missing postmortem, 26 – 31. The cranium and mandible are in excellent condition. CS119 African American Female Skull $359.00 This cranium and mandible cast are in excellent condition with all teeth present and with little wear. CS120 Tinian Male Skull $359.00 This individual is from the island of Tinian, and shows four occipital tubercles and a massive healed fracture of the right malar region. He is missing all teeth except 2, 6, 11, 14, 15, 21, 22, and 27. This is a striking cranium! 请通过以下方式联系我们 -或者- 订购或要求估价。

  • 完整的灵长类动物系列 | France Casting

    完整的非人类灵长类动物系列 请通过以下方式联系我们 -或者- 订购或要求估价。 PR100 Complete Articulated Chimpanzee Disarticulated: $2,749.00 Articulated: $3,739.00 A complete, adult male chimpanzee is articulated with brass rods, wire and springs, and mounted on furniture-grade oak base with casters for easy maneuvering. From Arizona State University in Tempe, “Chuck” succumbed to coccidiomycosis, but only the atlas and one occipital condyle demonstrates the disease (though some other bones have been somewhat reconstructed). Shipping varies by destination. PR200 Complete Articulated Gorilla Disarticulated: $3,999.00 Articulated: $5,499.00 This big male gorilla stands almost 4 feet tall when articulated in knuckle-walking position with brass rods, wire and springs on a furniture-grade oak base with casters for easy maneuvering. This gorilla was “taken” from the wild. The skeleton is in excellent condition. From Northern Illinois University at DeKalb. Shipping varies by destination. Available articulated or disarticulated. PR300 Complete Orangutan Articulated Disarticulated: $3,849.00 Articulated: $5,279.00 This large male orangutan succumbed to a bite from another orangutan while in a rehabituation colony in Borneo. Articulated with brass rods, wire and springs. Call for details concerning base. Shipping varies by destination. Disarticulated available as well.

  • 零碎铸件系列 | France Casting

    零碎铸件系列 请通过以下方式联系我们 -或者- 订购或要求估价。 FC001 Full Fragments Collection #1 $1650.00 or by the piece Collection #1 comes with 55 fragments. The set includes cranial & postcranial fragments, as well as, five non-human fragments. For a list or pictures, please contact us. *PRICES FOR INDIVIDUAL FRAGMENTS* 1-24 Fragments: $40.00 per fragment. 25-49 Fragments: $35.00 per fragment. FC002 Full Fragmentary Collection #2 $1440.00 Includes the full set of 46 fragments currently available. This set includes cranial & postcranial fragments, as well as, a few non-human fragments for variety. ***PRICES FOR INDIVIDUAL FRAGMENTS*** 1-24 Fragments: $40.00 per fragment. 25-54 Fragments: $35.00 per fragment.

  • Contact | France Casting

    聯繫我們 有任何問題、意見或疑慮,請聯繫我們! 联系信息 所有者: Shane H 沃克,MA 地址:法国铸造 1713 Willox Court Ste A 科罗拉多州柯林斯堡 80524 ​ 电话: 970.221.4044 传真: 970.482.4766 电子邮件: ​ 所有者:Shane H Walker, MA 地址:1713 Willox Court Ste A 科羅拉多州柯林斯堡 80524 電話: 970.221.4044 傳真: 970.482.4766 營業時間:週一至週五: 上午 9:00 至下午 5:00 週六至週日: 關閉 比骨头博物馆质量骨骼复制品更好 給我們發信息! 成功!收到消息。 我想收到有關新項目的通知。 發送!

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